During our engagement I always dreamed of seeing angels on June 5th 2010 as I walked down the aisle toward my future husband. I thought that would be so cool and so special. I think Jesus gave me something better. The day of the wedding I was soooo nervous and anxious! I will never forget that special moment of anticipation waiting for the doors to open, seeing Rollin's face for the first time, and then walking towards him. Once I saw Rollin's face I totally forgot about angels!! But walking towards him I will never forget his face. He was sobbing with such tears. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life. After the wedding my dad told me when we got to the front of the church that day everyone in the wedding party had tears in their eyes. During our reception one of our friends told us that seeing Rollin's face as I walked down the aisle was so amazing even healing to her to see visibly how much Rollin loves me. People made comments that everyone that cried in that moment was because of seeing Rollin's face. And lastly, another good friend said to us that seeing Rollin's face was like seeing the face of Jesus.
It was maybe a month later I was talking about this moment with one of my bridesmaids when we were hanging out. I was telling her how I had been praying to see angels when I walked down the aisle. And then in that moment I remembered what everyone had said and it hit me. I didn't see angels when I walked down the aisle. I saw the face of Jesus in my husband as I walked towards him. I saw Jesus. I will never forget this. What an amazing moment Jesus gave me.
I was excited to see the video footage of this moment, to see Rollin's face as I walked down the aisle. I watched the footage that focused on Rollin's face. As the music built up I remembered the point where the doors were opened and I saw a second where Rollin's face started to change as he saw me. And then the footage cut to me. I was so disappointed!! None of the video cameras caught Rollin's face as I walked down the aisle. Noooooo!!!! We were so sad about that. But when I had this realization a week or two later that I saw the face of Jesus I understood why it wasn't captured on video. I think Jesus did not want that special moment--His face as I walked down the aisle--caught on video.
I'm happy with that.